This project incorporates satellite images and GIS data of mass burial sites in Cambodia. In addition to creating a raster backdrop for vector data gathered by the program, we also plan to investigate methodologies that might allow us to track changes in soil and vegetation characteristics as a result of these mass burial sites. This will entail analysis of two images of the prison at Pnom Srey before and after the creation of the burials. Each burial site has been previously ground-truthed so we hope to be able to correlate changes in soil and vegetation reflectance patterns with these specific regions of the image. If this is successful, the entire mosaic will be classified in order to support previously located burial sites as well as providing additional information on unmapped sites.
The above work was performed by Matt Fladland as part of an F&ES Master’s degree program. Work will continue on this project as well as an expansion of the Genocide Study Program to other countries such as Bosnia, Rwanda, and East Timor.
Please visit the Cambodia Genocide Program to learn more about this important issue.