Image Sources
Primary Image Sources
- USGS Earth Explorer - Satellite images, aerial photos, maps, and much more
Now includes on-demand ASTER products and Landsat Surface Reflecatance
- GloVIS - USGS Global Visualization Viewer, a primary site for Landsat and ASTER
- NASA Earthdata Search - Access most NASA data - MODIS Land products, ASTER, AVHRR, other data
- USGS Satellite Image Catalog - A list of the types of satellite images offered by the USGS
With product descriptions and links to get the data
- LandsatLook Viewer - USGS browse for Landsat images from January 1999 to present - JPEG images only
- Climate Engine - Landsat, MODIS, and Climate data - easily graph or download many products
- click logo for tutorials
- WELD - Web Enabled Landsat Data - USGS annual, seasonal and monthly composites of Landsat data from January 2003 to present - US only
- NASA MODIS home page - The place to start for MODIS
- MODIS Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive - MODIS Daily scenes and Atmosphere products
- MODIS Data Subsets - MODIS Land Product time-series subsets - see the FAQ
- NASA AppEEARS - Easily extract MODIS and Landsat WELD point sample data
- MODIS Reprojection Tool on the Web - Great way to get a limited number of MODIS tiles
- read the User Guide!
- USGS LP DAAC E-Learning - Very good tutorials, presentations, and webinars on data availability and access!
- NASA EarthData YouTube Channel - Many webinars and How To videos for sensors
- Suomi and VIIRS Data Access - NOAA CLASS data server (register and view the tutorial)
- NOAA DMSP and VIIRS Nighttime Lights - NOAA NCEI
- NOAA VIIRS Monthly Nighttime Lights - NOAA NCEI
- SMAP - Soil Moisture Active Passive
- G-LiHT - Goddard's LiDAR, Hyperspectral & Thermal Imager
- Declassified satellite imagery - USGS site for Corona and other images
- Corona Atlas of the Middle East - U. of Arkansas web-based image atlas
- The National Map -USGS site for National Elevation Data (NED), NAIP high res aerial photography, Landcover and other data
- USGS Data in Action - Many interesting projects using satellite images
- NASA Sensing Our Planet - NASA-Featured research projects from 2015
- Alaska Satellite Facility - SAR and ALOS data from the U. of Alaska Fairbanks
- USGS EROS home page - Earth Resources Observation Systems Data Center
- Goddard Earth Sciences - Data and Information Services Center
- Global Land Cover Facility - Many free ortho-rectified Landsat MSS, TM, and ETM scenes available
- Landsat Ground Stations
Ocean Data
Atmosphere Data
- OCO-2 - Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 - JPL
- AIRS - Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
- AURA - Atmospheric Chemistry
- GOSAT - Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite "IBUKI"
- SCIAMACHY - SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY
- CALIPSO - Profile observations of cloud and aerosols and IR imagery
Snow and Ice
- NSIDC - National Snow & Ice Data Center - snow cover and sea ice products
- USGS LiDAR - USGS LiDAR Information page
- CLICK - USGS Center for LiDAR Information Coordination and Knowledge - link no longer working
- FUSION - USFS and U. of Washington LiDAR visualization software
- rapidlasso GmbH - Open source LAStools utilities
- LiDAR Links - Where to find LiDAR data
- NASA G-LiHT - NASA Goddard LiDAR, Hyperspectral & Thermal Imager (and data)
Commercial Image Distributors
Other Image and Data Sites
Aerial & Shuttle (SSEOP) Photos