Geospatial Software
Commercial Geospatial Software
- ENVI and IDL - Harris Geospatial Solutions
- ERDAS Imagine - Hexagon Geospatial
- IDRISI - GIS and image processing by Clark University
- Matlab - MathWorks data analysis and visualization software
- MapInfo - Map Database Software
- MicroImages - TNTmips Spatial Data Analysis software and free TNTlite
Free Geospatial Software
- Recommended ENVI plugins - Devin Whilte’s GitHub page for import plugins (MODIS, VIIRS, etc.)
- QGIS - The Quatum GIS project is an open source (free) GIS software
- GRASS GIS - The world’s leading free remote sensing & GIS software
- MultiSpec - Open source remote sensing program developed at Purdue University
- DNRGPS - Transfer data between Garmin GPS and GIS software by the Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources
- R statistics software - The R Project
- Geospatial Modelling Environment - Works with R and ArcGIS;
- Bilko - A remote sensing program by UNESCO
- GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
- Fragstats - Landsacape metrics program - requires ArcGIS
- Patch Analyst - Spatial analysis of landscape patches
- Timesat - Time-series analysis software - requires Matlab
- TatukGIS - GIS viewer and free coordinate conversion calculator. Also a GIS editor, SDK, and internet server
- DIVA GIS - A GIS program for the analysis of biodiversity data