Climate and Weather Data
Climate & Weather
- NCDC - National Climatic Data Center - Best place to start!
- Climate Data Online - NCDC online data site
- WorldClim -Global Climate Data
- Climate Change Indicators - EPA site that shows many 2016 Climate Change Indicators
- NOAA PSD - Many forms of climate data distributed as charts, maps, and data - See our FAQ
- IRI Climate Data Library - Columbia University - a great collection of data and interactive climate maps!
- Weather Soundings - Global daily soundings archived and distributed by the University of Wyoming
- NOAA NARR - North American Regional Reanalysis
- Natural Resources Conservation Service - USDA
- NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory
- Weather Satellite Imagery on the Internet
- Hourly U.S. Weather Statistics
- NOAA Paleoclimatology
- Tropical Cyclone Homepage - U. of Wisconsin
- Climate Engine - Climate, Landsat, and MODIS, data - easily graph or download many products
- click logo for tutorials
- National Snow and Ice Data Center - Data visualizations
- Global average CO2 values - NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
- Soil Moisture CCI Project - ESA Soil Moisture Essential Climate Variable data
- Soil Moisture Active Passive - NASA Soil Moisture project
- CIMSS Blog - Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
- Hydrology from Space - Lake levels around the world
- Tides Online - NOAA water level and weather information
- Tide Prediction Server - Find tide tables for most any where at any time
- Eg: Use Zone Index search, America/New York contains all stations along the US east coast