Importing Landsat data into ENVI
Landsat data provided by the USGS are distributed as a single file in an archived and zipped “.TAR.GZ” format. These files must be extracted and uncompressed before you can use them.
Landsat data provided by the USGS are distributed as a single file in an archived and zipped “.TAR.GZ” format. These files must be extracted and uncompressed before you can use them.
There are many sites that you can use to locate and obtain Landsat satellite imagery. Two recommended sites are EarthExplorer and GLOVIS by the USGS. You will find a broad collection of Landsat data spanning the entire time of the program, beginning in the early 1970’s. The user interface and download processes are a bit different for each site. More information about each is listed below.
This is a very brief description of the Landsat sensors. Users are encouraged to review sensor information before working with these data. A few suggested sites are the USGS Landsat Program site and the NASA Landsat Users Handbook.
On 31 May 2003 the Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) sensor had a failure of the Scan Line Corrector (SLC). Since that time all Landsat ETM images have had wedge-shaped gaps on both sides of each scene, resulting in approximately 22% data loss. These images are available for free download from the USGS GloVis website and are found in the L7 SLC-off collection.