USGS Intro to MODIS data videos

The USGS has a very good collection of videos on YouTube about their various products.  The best place to start is to view the short intro to version 6 data.  You will learn about the various products, where to find data, how to use the LP DAAC site.

This first introductory video will be followed by more in-depth videos of various products.  These are their “Getting Started with…” videos covering Surface Reflectance, Temperature, Vegetation Indexes, etc.

Where can I get MODIS "point" data - NASA AppEEARS

The NASA Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples (AppEEARS) site allows users to access MODIS and Landsat data for selected point locations without the need to actually download these raster datasets.  You can manually enter one or more point locations or upload a file of sites for analysis.  On the site you can generate charts and graphs of these data individually or in combination, over various tim

Where can I get MODIS Time Series data?

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory distributes global subsets of many MODIS land products.  The subsets are spatially limited to a maximum of 200 km X 200 km in size but can cover the entire time of the MODIS program.  This is an easy way to obtain a time series of data for you research projects.

The data are available at the ORNL DAAC at:

Importing a MODIS Daily Scene

While ENVI can import these data directly, you are encouraged to use the MODIS Conversion Tool Kit.  Information on it’s use can be found here.  If you are working with a 1km file you should process the optical and emissive bands separately; convert the optical bands to Reflectances or convert the emissive bands to Brightness Temperatures.  If you do not wish to use the MODIS Conversion Tool Kit then follow the guidelines below.

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